in The Ascendant

Sirius Black at Number Twelve Grimmauld Place
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Gary Oldman portrays Sirius Black, Harry Potter's wizard godfather, in the film adaptations of Prisoner of Azkaban, Goblet of Fire and Order of the Phoenix. The Ancient and Noble House of Black is traditionally sorted into Slytherin House, suggesting the study of both the white and black arts. Transcendental magic is not discussed during the first part of Harry's life.
Black family members defended "pure blood" marriages, and were often named after stars, constellations, and galaxies. Sirius had a younger brother, Regulus, who lived 1961–1979.
In the picture above, Sirius [Gary Oldman] is standing in front of his family tree, with several Blacks burned out of the picture - Sirius is one of them.
Sirius loved to underline his difference from the Black family (being the only one to be sorted into Gryffindor). He is always described as "carelessly handsome" and very loyal to his friends, particularly James and Lily Potter, Harry's parents. Harry shares the same love of loyalty with Sirius, when they finally meet in POA. Like Harry, Sirius was popular at Hogwarts, but remained an outsider because his close friends were in Gryffindor and didn't hold with "pure blood" elitism. Harry felt like an outcast in his own home during his first 11 years because his muggle relatives, the Dursleys, failed to tell him about his parents and accept him.
Harry also has a duel connection with both Gryffindor and Slytherin, not by birth, but by virtue of his encounter with "you know who" when he was only an infant in his crib. J. K. Rowling may have wanted to establish a link between Harry and the classic hero Hercules, son of Zeus, who defeated a great snake that attacked him while he was a baby. The lightning mark on Harry's forehead, a result of the attack on him by the Dark Lord, could be another allusion to Hercules, son of heaven and wielder of lightning bolts.
Gary Leonard Oldman was born in New Cross, London, England in the morning of March 21, 1958. His Sun is within the first degree of Aries, The Ram - just by a sliver. The fixed star Sirius is exactly conjunct his Ascendant degree, defining his personality as "perfect" for the part of Sirius Black in the Harry Potter series. Domestic matters are central to his self-wish, health, and still time when he is alone.
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Nil by Mouth [1997] is Gary Oldman's British film debut as writer, director, and a co-producer [with Douglas Urbanski], based on his early family life in South East London.
It appears that all the perfection of civilization,
and all the advancement made in philosophy, science,
and art among the ancients are due to those institutions
which, under the veil of mystery, sought to illustrate
the sublimest truths of religion, morality, and virtue
and impress them on the hearts of their disciples...
Their chief object was to teach the doctrine of one God
the resurrection of man to eternal life, the dignity of
the human soul, and to lead the people to see the shadow
of the deity, in the beauty, magnificence, and splendor
of the universe.
-Robert Macoy, 33°, General History of Freemasonry
Canis Major is one of Orion's hunting dogs. The brightest star in this constellation is Sirius, often called the Dog Star. The dog's ability to sense and follow unseen persons for miles symbolized the transcendental power by which the philosopher follows the thread of truth through the labyrinth of earthly error. There are continued dowser references to the search for the truth of a situation [the fruitful search], and tracking a 'trail of bread crumbs' or a series of 'signs.'
In Ancient Egypt it was first Hathor, the great mother goddess, who was identified with Sirius. But Isis soon became the major archetype, sharing honors with the title of Sirius as the Nile Star. Isis began her search for Osiris as the Dog Star rose, and by tradition, the Earth Goddess left the fields and vales to look for her daughter [see Eleusis] at this time of year. The phrase "Dog Days" sprang from an ancient reference to the first days Sirius is viewed on a clear night, and pre-dawn light. This occurs during the last week of August, after Sol enters the sign of Ceres/Demeter, The Virgin [Virgo]. The time traditionally coincides with an internal akashic shift, within the viscera, part of the physical anatomy ruled by Virgo.
This constellation is said to represent the dog set by Jupiter to guard Europa whom he had stolen and conveyed to Crete. According to other accounts, however, it was either Laelaps, the hound of Actaeon; that of Diana's nymph Procris; that given by Aurora to Cephalus; or finally one of the dogs of Orion. -Vivian E. Robson,
Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology
A shortened list of men and women with Sirius at the Ascendant cusp, or inside their Ascendant [First House, Rising Sign] follows. An ASC degree before 13° places Sirius above the Ascendant, the ASC degree @ 13° places Sirius exactly conjunct the Ascendant, and the ASC degree between 13° and 20° places Sirius inside the First House, with ‘Dog Star’ emphasis on personality, health, and still time. Most ancient cultures observed the rising ‘Dog Star’ with ritual, mystery drama, and re-dedication of the home fires to their household gods and goddesses. Many refer to the Ascendant first when they look for their power animal.
J.K. Rowling wrote Sirius Black as an unregistered Animagus, who took shape as a big black dog - nicknamed Padfoot. English legend has the black dog as the protector of sacred ground, as well as the home and family. Sirius often protected his friend Remus Lupin [a werewolf] in the form of a dog. Later, after Sirius escaped Azkaban prison [POA}, he proved himself an able guardian when Harry left the Dursleys, caught the Knight Bus into town, and, with the help of Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic, checked into The Leaky Cauldron.
Go Sirius Black-Gary Oldman, Order of the Phoenix star chart progressions
Go Molly Weasley cooks at Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place
Well known men with Moonchild Ascending, in exact and wider conjunction with Sirius, include:
Jack ANDERSON Sun Libra, ASC Moonchild 18°31, David BECKHAM Sun Taurus, ASC 16°41, Wolf BLITZER Sun Aries, ASC 17°13, Jorge Luis BORGES Sun Virgo, ASC 12°55, Dave BRUBECK Sun Sagittarius, ASC 10°43, DALAI LAMA XIV Sun Moonchild, ASC 9°56, Nigel DAVENPORT Sun Gemini, ASC 16°30, RAM DASS Sun Aries, ASC 18°14, Robert de NIRO Sun Leo, ASC 15°25, Dino de LAURENTIIS Sun Leo, ASC 12°39, Jack DEMPSEY Sun Moonchild, ASC 11°41, Alexis de TOCQUEVILLE Sun Leo, ASC 17°52, Albert EINSTEIN Sun Pisces, ASC Cancer 11°38, Max ERNST Sun Aries, ASC 16°48, Mel GIBSON Sun Capricorn, ASC 14°59, Frank GIFFORD Sun Leo, ASC 13°24, Merv GRIFFIN Sun Moonchild, ASC 10°59, Henry Rider HAGGARD Sun Moonchild, ASC 19°43, Robert HAND Sun Sagittarius, ASC 12°21, Burl IVES Sun Gemini, ASC 12°58, Emil JANNINGS Sun Leo, ASC 18°35, Billy JOEL Sun Taurus, ASC 15°24, Louis L'AMOUR Sun Aries, ASC 16°02, Nathan LANE Sun Aquarius, ASC 11°30, Jack LEMMON Sun Aquarius, ASC 13°28, Joe LOUIS Sun Taurus, ASC 10°10, Guglielmo MARCONI Sun Taurus, ASC 13°52, Eric de MONTGOLFIER Sun Leo, ASC 14°14, Nicholas RIMSKY-KORSAKOV Sun Pisces, ASC 16°50, Domenico SCARLATTI Sun Scorpio, ASC 10°43, Maximilian SCHELL Sun Sagittarius, ASC 14°39, Steven SPIELBERG Sun Sagittarius, ASC 10°20, Richard STRAUSS Sun Gemini, ASC 16°01, Dylan THOMAS Sun Scorpio, ASC 15°41, VALENTINO Sun Taurus, ASC 14°03, Amerigo VESPUCCI Sun Pisces, ASC Cancer 14°02, Mark WAHLBERG Sun Gemini, ASC 12°27, Malcolm-Jamal WARNER Sun Leo, ASC 13°00
Well known women with Moonchild Ascending, in exact and wider conjunction with Sirius include:
Anne ARCHER Sun Virgo, ASC Moonchild 12°46, Kate CAPSHAW Sun Scorpio, ASC Moonchild 19°17, Joan CAULFIELD Sun Gemini, ASC Moonchild 15°12, Nina FOCH Sun Taurus, ASC 18°55, Annette FUNICELLO Sun Libra, ASC 10°38, Judy GARLAND Sun Gemini, ASC 10°54,
Lillian GISH Sun Libra, ASC 11°23, Linda HUNT Sun Aries, ASC 10°29, Elizabeth HURLEY Sun Gemini, ASC 12°31, Barbara JORDAN Sun Pisces, ASC 15°11, Carry NATION Sun Sagittarius, ASC 14°38, Catherine OXENBERG Sun Virgo, ASC 13°45, Clara SCHUMANN Sun Virgo, ASC 14°47, Renata SCOTTO Sun Pisces, ASC 12°49
Sun Conjunct Sirius
Born July 4: Nathaniel Hawthorne, Gertrude Lawrence, Gina Lollobrigida, Louis B. Mayer, Neil Simon; July 5: Jean Cocteau, Eva Green, Huey Lewis, Robbie Robertson; July 6: DALAI LAMA XIV, 50 Cent, Frida Kahlo, Janet Leigh, Della Reese, Geoffrey Rush, and Sylvester Stallone
The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black
The Palm -
Ancient Key to Character, includes tattoo Sirius Black
Harry Potter - Line of Intuition [the palm and subsidiary lines]
GaryOldman.Info Magazines Scans Galleries - Telegraph More Mr Nice Guy
Masons - some of their symbols
The Order of the Phoenix Sirius shows Harry the Black Family Tree