Just as mortal laws are based on Divine law, so mortal architecture attempts to mirror Divine patterning as it evolves
throughout creation, as an on-going "work in progress."

Lincoln, Oscars for Steven Spielberg
"Lincoln is a rough and noble democratic masterpiece — an omen, perhaps, that movies for the people shall not perish from the earth."
Some architecture demonstrates the power this line of thought brings to the world as we change and move into the coming Aeon, known as The Aeon of The Child. In due time, the four great Kerubs, as considered during the Piscean Age via the vision of Ezekiel and Trumps X and XXI (The Wheel and The Universe, respectively), will reclaim their cherub countenance. The Lunar Template will resurface and all the heavenly cherubs will surround the Virgin, Queen of The Angels, for the duration of the Millennium. Heavens shift, by mathematical calculation, in about 2,330 A.D., though we observe a surfacing
of an ancient assembly today.
National Treasure
rt., The Washington Monument, national memorial to the first President of the United Sates, was completed in 1884. Inside, the obelisk is hollow, the inner walls set with a full spectrum of
historical stones, from states, friends around the world and several societies. Maryland provided the marble cover.
Nicolas Cage [Benjamin Franklin Gates] and Justin Bartha [Riley Poole] on location at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.
Observatories around the globe, long buried under dirt, sand, and water, have been photographed, from the sky or from space. Many are scheduled to undergo excavation during the next century. Some digs in the UK, Germany, and the Middle East are already in progress.
An older hierarchy will eventually match the star line up divined to encircle the Earth in three hundred years. People in step with the winds of change marvel at those American patriots, well ahead of their time, with the desire, vision, and fortitude to forge the United States of America to endure all manner of erosion, including time.
The Constitution of the United States of America
Event date: September 17, 1787, 4:00 PM
Location: Philadelphia, PA* USA
Sun: 24° Virgo 50' sign of the Virgin, Earth Mother, and the ancient mystery plays
Moon: 7° Sagittarius 10' sign of the Centaur, self-realization
Ascending sign: 8° Aquarius 22' the Old Water Bearer
Midheaven: 29° Scorpio 00' sign of the Scorpion, Cobra, and Eagle-Phoenix
Dominant houses: First, Seventh, and Tenth
Jupiter° 25 Gemini 23' in Fifth House and Luna 7° Sagittarius in Tenth House
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
The tradition: This eye is never closed; and there are two, and they are converted into one.
....He sleepeth not and slumbereth not, and He requireth not protection. He is not such an one as hath need to defend Himself, for He defendeth all things, and He Himself waited upon all things, and in the sight of His eye are all things established.
The tradition: Were that eye closed even for one moment, no thing could subsist.
Therefore it is called the open eye, the holy eye, the excellent eye, the eye of Providence, the eye which sleepeth not neither slumbereth, the eye which is the guardian of all things, the eye which is the subsistence of all things.
And concerning it is it written, Prov. xxii. 9, "The bountiful eye; "thou shalt not read "the blessed eye," but "it blesseth," for it is called "the bountiful eye," and by it are all things blessed.
Chapter IX. Concerning the Eyes of Macroprosopus.
translated by S.L. MacGregor Mathers

Benjamin Henry Latrobe designed the Old Supreme Court Chamber like a temple devoted to natural cycles that facilitate perfect balance. The arc-curve patterns suggest the flow of the life force on a cosmic plane, based on the Temple of Poseidon and related ocean waves moving toward, and receding from, the shore. Tradition has it that Poseidon constructed the lost civilization of Atlantis along similar lines.
After emigrating to America in 1795, Latrobe collaborated with Thomas Jefferson. His monumental building designs, which did so much to introduce Greek art to American architecture, also include the beautiful Bank of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, considered the first U.S. monument of the Greek Revival style, and the Fairmount Waterworks (begun 1799), built in a Greek temple style complete with Ionic columns.
From 1803, Latrobe redesigned the interior arrangement and style of the south wing. He also rebuilt and redesigned part of the north wing. After the British burned the Capitol on August 24, 1814, Latrobe was again appointed architect to oversee the necessary restoration work.
The Greek style for public buildings and the Gothic style for domestic buildings were both introduced to America by Benjamin Henry Latrobe, although Gothic architecture for public buildings was principally championed by Richard Upjohn (1802-78) and James Renwick (1818-95).
Architect of The Capitol Car of History
Old Supreme Court Chamber
November 1806
Benjamin Henry Latrobe [May 1, 1764 — Sept. 3, 1820]
After a Grand Tour around Europe (1784), during which he saw the nearly-completed neoclassical Pantheon in Paris, designed by Jacques Germain Soufflot and Jean Rondelet, and the classical Pantheon in Rome, Latrobe became apprenticed to John Smeaton, a prominent civil engineer who built Eddystone Lighthouse, and then entered the architectural office of Samuel Pepys Cockerell in 1789, staying there until 1791. He quickly gained a practical knowledge of architecture and decided to start his own office.
When Benjamin Henry Latrobe arrived in Norfolk, Va., in 1796, to take over matters that pertained to an inheritance in Pennsylvania, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and other prominent people quickly recognized him as the ablest architect on the American scene. During his career he undertook engineering projects, from waterworks in Philadelphia and New Orleans to a dry dock for the first American "mothball fleet." President Thomas Jefferson appointed him surveyor of public buildings.
Latrobe inherited the task of completing the U.S. Capitol, and later rebuilt it after its destruction by the British. In Baltimore [1818] he designed the country's first cathedral, a masterpiece of neoclassical architecture.
He is widely regarded as having established architecture as a profession in the U.S.
Latrobe began his architectural reconstruction of the Old Supreme Court Chamber, going into action with an initial appropriation of $25,000. His inspiration was perhaps drawn from an earlier concept he employed in his
Hammerwood Park blueprints. Latrobe utilized skeletal source data that once defined the backbone of Delos Temples.
The island, temples and oracles, dedicated to The Twin Lights (Apollo and Diana) were sacrosanct in ancient cultures. Even invading Persian generals withheld their attack; the island was a sanctuary of weather cycle deities (Jupiter, Apollo, Diana, and by extension Leto.)
The Capitol project Latrobe shouldered was enormous. Within the Temple of Poseidon Latrobe found an inspirational source for a central remodeling of pillars and interior architecture of the north wing. The sandstone Doric columns, strongest supporting piers from classical Greece**, mirror ‘the great earthshaker’ archetype - Poseidon as an ancient god of creation. Mythology that originally sprang from the sea-faring races later gave way to a sky oriented culture, however Poseidon retained many characteristics that endured due to his prior standing in the temple network. Similarly, the unprecedented template used for the vaulted ceiling may be viewed as a section of the great Atlantean plan, sought during these many centuries under the constant ocean waves.
Latrobe's plan for the New Orleans waterworks system was based on that of Philadelphia, which he earlier designed. The city agreed to commission the waterworks project in 1811. The system in Philadelphia was created as a response to yellow fever epidemics affecting the city. Latrobe's system utilized steam pumps to move water from the Schuylkill River to a reservoir, located upstream, so that gravity could be used to transmit the water from there to residents in the city. The New Orleans waterworks project was also designed to desalt water, using steam-powered pumps.

George Washington, one of the most famous Free Masons, was inaugurated in Federal Hall. Evidence of his inauguration remains in modern-day Federal Hall: the Free Mason Bible that was used to swear him in as President. Federal Hall on Wall Street housed the first White House, the first Congressional building, and the first Supreme Court.
George Washington, "Father of our Country" was linked with Benjamin Henry Boneval Latrobe, the "Father of American Architecture" through the community of Free Masons in New England states. Most of the great generals in U.S. history were members of well known Lodges, before and after they began their service in America.

Statuary Hall
One of the most impressive rooms [IMHO] on the main floor of the Capitol set aside from other more frequently trod traffic lanes. The spacious room is shaped in the form of a half circle covered by an elaborate half-dome ceiling, reminiscent of an ancient amphitheatre. The Corinthian capitals of white marble were carved in Italy, the colossal columns of variegated Breccia marble quarried along the Potomac River. A lantern in the fireproof cast-steel ceiling admits natural light into the Hall.
From a Dowser viewpoint the angles, methodology, and colours indicate an Early Winter Style* [built to last and withstand the erosive effects of time] with an element of Autumn that resembles Lord Elrond’s museum and library in Rivendell. The power of the circular theme, dynamic palette, and the presence of the "eternal flame" was present at the Council of Elrond in J.R.R. Tolkien’s trilogy, The Lord of the Rings. The production design and atmosphere of the movie set, created by Peter Jackson, could easily be superimposed on the business of The House of Representatives that met in the chamber from 1807 to 1857.
In 1864 Congress passed a bill that changed the room into a memorial hall. The purpose for the room was to honor the men or women which each of the states set apart as worthy of special recognition. Originally, each state could send two statues to the hall. But in 1934, the number was changed to one. The act as first passed reads as follows:
That the President be, and he is hereby authorized, to invite each and all the States to provide and furnish statues in marble or bronze, not exceeding two in number for each State, of men who have been citizens thereof and illustrious for their historic renown, or for distinguished civic or military services, such as each State shall determine to be worthy of this national commemoration; and that they be placed in the
old hall of the House of Representatives in the Capitol of the United States, which is hereby set apart, or so much thereof as may be necessary, as a National Statuary Hall, for the purposes herein indicated.
An earlier Hall, designed by Benjamin Henry Latrobe, was completed in 1807; however, it was destroyed when invading British troops burned the Capitol in 1814. The Hall was rebuilt in its present form by Latrobe and his successor, Charles Bulfinch, between 1815 and 1819, and restored for the bi-centennial celebrations in 1976.
It was in this room in 1824 that the Marquis de Lafayette became the first foreign citizen to address Congress. Presidents James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, and Millard Fillmore were inaugurated here. Daniel Webster, Stephen A. Douglas, and Abraham Lincoln began their careers in the public life of the nation. President-elect Barack Obama and Congress had lunch in Statuary Hall after he was sworn in at the
Capitol on January 20, 2009, upholding a tradition that's been in place for more than a century. Luncheon guests were presented a crystal vase etched with the image of the Capitol Building.

Eye of the Beholder
Alexis de Tocqueville and Gustave de Beaumont
Two European watchers from France -- -- Alexis de Tocqueville and Gustave de Beaumont -- received permission to travel to the U.S. in 1831 for the purpose of studying the U.S. prison system. Excerpts and observations during a visit with President Andrew Jackson on January 19, 1832 from the website:
Mr. Serrurier presented us yesterday evening to the President of the United States. The latter is General Jackson; he is an old man of 66 years, well preserved, and appears to have retained all the vigor of his body and spirit. He is not a man of genius. Formerly he was celebrated as a duelist and hot-head; his great merit is to have won in 1814 the battle of New Orleans against the English. That victory made him popular and brought it about that he was elected president, so true is it that in every country military glory has a prestige that the masses can't resist, even when the masses are composed of merchants and business men.
The President of the United States occupies a palace that in Paris would be called a fine private residence. Its interior is decorated with taste but simply, the salon in which he receives is infinitely less brilliant than those of our ministers. He has no guards watching at the door, and if he has courtiers they are not very attentive to him, for when we entered the salon he was alone, though it was the day of public reception; and during our whole visit but two or three persons entered.
We chatted of things that were insignificant enough. He made us drink a glass of Madeira wine, and we thanked him, using the word Monsieur, like the first comer. People in France have got an altogether false idea of the presidency of the United States. They see in it a sort of political sovereignty and compare it constantly with our constitutional monarchies. Of a certainty, the power of the King of France would be nil if it were modeled after the power of the President of the United States; and the authority of this President would be a thousand times too large, did it resemble that of the King of France.

Across the Pond
The view of modern times in England during the 1700s was satirized by Thomas Rowlandson who was born in London, England in 1756. He was the son of an unsuccessful merchant. He nevertheless received a decent education and travelled extensively in Europe and the British Isles.
He was to become one of the of most famous political lampoonists and caricaturists of his age - the era of King George III. William Coombe wrote three stories in the form of prolonged poems. Rowlandson illustrated the events during the 'life' of the mythical Dr Syntax. The sequel, The History of Johnny Quae Genus, who had been 'found' by Dr Syntax before his demise, provides the fourth, final installment of the series.
There was little censorship at the time and some 'vicious' cartoons were drawn of political figures. Even Royalty did not escape.
information about Thomas Rowlandson and Dr. Syntax here

Fred and Suzy Maroon
the husband and wife team responsible for an excellent in-and-about-town historical masterpiece on the nation's capitol. In a taped C-Span interview (December 1993) the Maroons discuss preeminent Washington landmarks and their co-created book, THE CAPITOL. The C-Span television channel broadcasts daily action in Washington, D. C., with in-depth coverage as well as behind-the-scenes features and a look at our lawmakers at work each day Congress is in session.
Fred Maroon first mastered his architectural formats as a student in Washington during the 1940's. Over time, photography evolved from a hobby into a more serious pursuit as Maroon captured Washington's spirit with his candid lens. See the article
Fred J. Maroon
Recording an Era, Launching a Career. Some of these carefully selected angles of the city are based on his first impression of Washington, at a time when everyone traveled by train. These images are seen today through the same arches and windows that first framed many American landmarks at the time Maroon attended school. The lighting is extaordinary and his attention to detail brings the reader into the world of Washington's unique texture, rhythm, and atmosphere of the capitol.
Fred Maroon
In studying architecture one learns about art fundamentals that are very useful as a photographer. You learn about lighting, because an architect has to consider that. You learn about textures, proportions, and perspectives. All of that I utilize when I do architecture. And I believe that early training made me sensitive to the personality of a building. All buildings have personalities, just like our faces change as human beings, the face of a building changes depending on the lighting in the time of day and year.
Let me follow up and ask Susan Maroon about the personalities involved here in the history of this building. What personality did you find, as the writer, that this building has? Is it reflective of certain people who were involved in it; is it reflective of a political viewpoint; is it reflective of the times?
Suzy Maroon
It certainly reflects certain people – of course Jefferson, as we already said; and the fact that Grimedi was allowed to paint as much as he did in the building, is a direct reflection of one man, Montgomery Meigs, who against much criticism, sponsored Grimedi [his specialty had been the many frescos he did in Europe] and saw to it he was given free reign to paint and paint and paint.[for 25 yers] That’s a treasure today, but without his patron there, that never would have happened.
Interview - The United States Capitol
Was ID: 53398 - 12/22/1993 - 0:45 - $29.95
Professor Charles E. Brownell of Virginia Commonwealth University generously reviewed the chapters dealing
with the work of B. Henry Latrobe and provided valuable guidance for his audience and research teams.
US NARA - National Archives and Records Administration

Phoenix study with comparison Barack and Michelle Obama with Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln
Jimmy Carter's Peanut Butter Cookies
Heat oven to 350 degrees F.
1 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup peanut butter
1 egg
Mix together all ingredients. Form into walnut-size balls. Put on ungreased cookie sheet, then mash down with a fork. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes.

The Capitol Visitor Center, the new main entrance to the U.S. Capitol,
is located below the East Plaza of the Capitol between Constitution
and Independence Avenues.
Meditation Mandala
Phoenix, Statue of Freedom further research, supplements
screencaps Hammerwood - Led Zeppelin prologue, estate designed by Latrobe - BACK Starship
Check out "Inside the White House" interactive tour of the building, tons of great photos/ videos - Twitter:
intern 'must see' videos at the White House
Photo Exhibit: Breaking New Ground -- Women of the Senate - The United States Senate welcomed its first female senator in 1922, and saw its first elected woman senator in 1932.
my blog on the First Amendment Separation of church and state

Benjamin Henry Latrobe Star Chart: Sun in Taurus, The Winged Bull, Kerub - Fixed Earth, magnetic
Challenge: overcome addiction to form - the standing model or norm as the 'security blanket'
Root Number: May 1 = 5 + 1 = 6
Benjamin Henry Latrobe was born in 1764 at Fulneck in Yorkshire. He was the second son of the Reverend Benjamin Latrobe (1728-86), a minister of the Moravian church, and Anna Margaretta (Antes) Latrobe (1728-94), a third-generation Pennsylvanian of Moravian parentage. The original Latrobes had been French Protestants who had settled in Ireland at the end of the 17th century.
Benjamin Henry Latrobe - May 1, 1764 shares his May 1 birthdate with:
Fr. Gabriele Amorth - May 1, 1925 an Italian Roman Catholic priest and the senior exorcist of Vatican City.
Fr. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J. - May 1, 1881.
Hilaire de Chardonnet - May 1, 1839, French engineer, businessman and inventor of artificial silk.
Glenn Ford - May 1, 1916, acclaimed Canadian-born actor from Hollywood's Golden Era.
Marco da Gagliano - 1 May 1582, Italian composer of the early Baroque era, important in the early history of opera, and development of the solo and concerted madrigal.
Dr. Josef Hynek May 1, 1910 - a United States astronomer, professor, and ufologist, best remembered for his UFO research, Project Sign (1947–1949), Project Grudge (1949–1952), and Project Blue Book (1952 to 1969). Considered the father of the concept of scientific analysis of both reports and, especially, trace evidence purportedly left by UFOs. Hynek appears in a cameo part as a scientist in Spielberg's sci-fi classic, Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
Jack Paar - May 1, 1918, American radio-television talk show host most noted as early host of The Tonight Show.
Theo van Gogh - May 1, 1857, brother of Vincent van Gogh.
Vauban or Marquis de Vauban May 1 or 4, 1633, Marshal of France and the foremost military engineer of his age, famed for skill in both designing fortifications and in breaking through them.
Archangel Stars
The four key stars in the heavens, also called archangel stars are: Michael (Aldebaran) watcher of the East, Gabriel (Fomalhaut) watcher of the South, Raphael (Regulus) Watcher of the North, and Oriel (Antares) Watcher of the West. At one time they marked the two Equinoxes and two Solstices. Aldebaran marked the zero Aries point in 3044 BC, Antares marked zero Libra 3052 BC, Fomalhaut marked zero Capricorn, 2582 BC, Regulus marked zero Cancer 2345 BC. These four stars have been characterized as Horses, reflected both in the famed Four Horsemen of Apocalypse (Revelations 6) and Chariot Horses in the Book of Zechariah. see also the team of white horses in the chariot race from the film, BEN-HUR
more about the Temple @
Four Mystery Plays, by Rudolf Steiner
* How could Reading, PA be the poorest city in the United States? Wasn't Independence Island the heart and soul of the government of the United States of America at one time?
* * The flat-roofed Greek temple, standing serenely content in this world, and the Gothic cathedral, restlessly aspiring to heaven, express two fundamental attitudes of mind, which have always affected art.
Latrobe and Led Zeppelin in, The Song Remains The Same
Hammerwood Park achieves importance as his first complete work, the first of only two in the UK and one of only five remaining domestic buildings by Latrobe in existence. It was built as a temple to Apollo, dedicated as a hunting lodge to celebrate the arts and incorporating elements related to Demeter, mother Earth, in relation to the contemporary agricultural revolution. Latrobe was a master exponent of symbolism. Hammerwood's composition displays all of Latrobe's latent genius which he took to the United States, designing both the house and the park as an essay in perspective as well as the picturesque. In this, Latrobe's work at Hammerwood achieves perfection.
In 1997, the Heritage Lottery Fund enabled the purchase by the Latrobe Heritage Trust of Latrobe's first perspective drawing of "Hammerwood Lodge". The drawing is extraordinary in that it relates both to Hammerwood Park and Ashdown House as built, Latrobe's conception of the South portico of the White House and his 1808 drawing of The Capitol in Washington.
Nassau Hall, Princeton (1802)
Designed by Benjamin Henry Latrobe.
A mixture of Greek and Gothic features. Oldest building at Princeton University.
Baltimore Basilica (1806-21)
Designed by Benjamin Henry Latrobe.
Neoclassical. The first Roman Catholic Cathedral in the United States.

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