Regulus, The Royal Star
Raglan Castle is located in the heart of 'Castle Row' in Wales, known for her unique contribution to Britain's colorful history. An unusual and significant story related to Castle background, often untold, concerns the lightly veiled Deva, Raglan's overseeing 'spirit of place' and 'intelligent' guardian-protector.
From a metaphysical viewpoint, Raglan Castle represents a home or "covering" for those who reside within, just as the physical anatomy represents a "covering" for the spirit residing within. This arrangement may be extended to embrace a national consciousness as well as a global, and even universal, consciousness. Since a mechanism as microcosm may be motivated to expand to a greater range of influence, as visible in the macrocosm, those who design fundamental blueprints consider all influences. Consider the elements and how they interact at any site: where light first enters the home at dawn, location of the well, how the mountains and wind effect the land, etc.
When a relationship runs smooth in the microcosmic universe it should be tested in the large universe. For convenience, begin with a human cell that has protective buffering similar to the layers of a pearl. This design is a basic idea that, under expansion, determines our seasonal wardrobes, armor used in combat, such as a shield and protective vest, or uniforms such as a firefighter needs entering a four alarm blaze.
Under a microscope our versions of sun symbolism are also easy to recognize. The concentric circles that protect the sun are similar to the series of auric layers that protect the physical anatomy. In castles we find the protective insulation in the form of forest, rock, walls, and moat, to name a few. The Deva is charged with holding all together - everything, including the inside of the castle. Many times there is a Deva responsible for the grounds around the castle and a Deva for the castle itself. Any Deva can and should be reinforced on a regular basis.
Beyond Raglan's enviable status as the perfect production set for Robert Plant's fantasy, old world heroism is still etched into this rock solid national landmark. Raglan’s legendary Deva, one of the most enchanting culled from volumes of British history books, still resides on the land near the castle, although not within it's walls.
Laws of physics are not suspended, but the Deva remains close enough to monitor what happens at the site.
The Deva (pronounced DAVE-a) is a supervisory intelligence, also a guide through the interior and garden, responsible for evolutionary development of the whole protected space.
Dowsers first locate any on-site Deva before working up designs for a specific locale, even when working on a map. Powerful grid energy is now restored to the vicinity where 'Castle Row' is located because recent excavations have caused a reanimation of energy lines that link landmarks sites, such as Raglan Castle, throughout the European community. Interest has been high in Germany as well, where a
"dormant" Stonehenge has been uncovered.
Geography is linked to natural lines of energy, such as solar, water, ley lines, magnetic, and geopathic lines, to name a few. Collectives linked with their geographic nest of origin often refer to older and wiser races who came before. Power Sites have always been associated with great ancestors, our elders, and those with whom we meet in council during deeper sleep. The United States refers to the wise race known as Anasazi from whom we have spiritual leaders, such as the Hopi and Havasupai Tribes, living in the region around the Grand Canyon. The area that is the homeland of Abraham's ancestors, UR, is the source of power to all people who have their origin in the Middle East. Early symbols [pre-flood] are identical throughout the region, and so are many references to powerful places in the zones. The Irish refer to the People of the Goddess Dana, or, according to D’Arbois de Jubainville, the People of the god whose mother was called Dana, are the Tuatha De Danann of the ancient mythology of Ireland. The Goddess Dana, called in the genitive Danand, in middle Irish times was named Brigit. And this goddess Brigit of the pagan Celts has been supplanted by the Christian St. Brigit, and, in exactly the same way as the pagan cult once bestowed on the spirits in wells and fountains has been transferred to Christian saints, to whom the wells and fountains have been re-dedicated, so to St. Brigit as a national saint has been transferred the pagan cult rendered to her predecessor. In a sense, the "first ones" may be considered as 'Collective Devas' because they guarantee unification and protection for those in their sphere of influence.
Led Zeppelin rose like a phoenix out of the ashes of the Yardbirds in 1968. They toured the United States in 1969, opening for Vanilla Fudge, and released their first two LPs the same year on the Atlantic label: Led Zeppelin and Led Zeppelin II.

The Black Knight is vanquished
THE SONG REMAINS THE SAME holds the timeless poetry and
magic everyone associates with Led Zeppelin. The American Tour in 1973 broke box office record after box office record, many of which had been set long ago by the Beatles.
The movie and it's crown jewel, 'Stairway To Heaven' are timeless. 'Hedgerows' and 'shadows' refer us to centuries old traditions, such as
Roman ley-farming and earlier constants in our once-and-future ever-morphing world. Consistent with Tolkien's Middle-earth epic, Raglan calls up a vision of elite mindsets conferred to lifestyle standards, though the whispering Deva brings Galadriel's golden glade and silver mirror to mind.
The castle entry, main downstairs room, and courtyard setting have the energy pattern
of Rivendell's respected hidden valley council and the great garden library and museum within the house of Lord Elrond.
The stairway is a foundational symbol with many viewpoints; you see something new each time you take a step either up or down. Although everything is built on the stairway, like spiraling steps spun around LothLorien's trees, or the great Ash Tree Yggdrasil (symbol of life, time, and destiny) at the center of the universe, during this time frame people engage a paradigm with extreme points. Life is seen from the bottom of the ladder looking up – or at the top of the ladder looking down. Most in-between points are variable ratios of black and white that produce a myriad of grays.
Apt examples are found in film and photography. The industry’s skill with lighting techniques reflect a knowledge of light and shade far beyond the average education in light and darkness. 'Legend' (DVD with Ridley Scott director cut) is an excellent example of an untarnished Piscean Era viewpoint on the subject.
Rolling Stone writes the group, especially Jimmy “Page and Robert Plant were grounded also in British folk music and fascinated by mythology, Middle Earth fantasy and the occult, as became increasingly evident from the band’s later albums [the fourth LP is entitled in Druidic runes]. A song that builds from a folk-baroque acoustic setting to screaming heavy metal, “Stairway to Heaven” fittingly became the best-known Led Zeppelin song and a staple of FM airplay, although like most of their “hits,” it was never released as a single.”
Wherever extremes meet, such as the misty mountain top, highest rung of the ladder, and the innermost chamber of a heart - eventually all things merge into one and
We can go outside our own waking conscious structure-repertoire to these places
where opposites blend - life-death, mortal-immortal, past-future, our internal and outer journeys, as ‘Stairway To Heaven’ promises.
Robert Plant embarked on a formidable journey when shooting began in October 1973. The band bought Hammerwood Park (in auction) where they planned to hold court and film from their own studio. The first scenes of the concert movie were filmed at Hammerwood and feature the original classic columns at the doorway to the home. Peter Grant and Robert Cole are sharp dressed men in dapper 1930s sting-style threads, looking for a piece of the action. Film critic Clark Collis reports that "Grant was worried that the footage made him look stupid. The film's director, Joe Massot, assured him it would not... as a whole, the film is magnificent. It's rock's own cinematic Millennium Dome..."