Study Exercises
The Temple of the Sun and the Moon secret of Narsil
I stand correct.
I am unanimous in that.
Strange lands and separation are the wanderer’s lot.
When a man is a wanderer and stranger, he should not be gruff nor overbearing. He has no large circle of acquaintances, therefore he should not give himself airs. He must be cautious and reserved; in this way he protects himself from evil. If he is obliging toward others, he wins success.
The Road Pictures: Crosby, Hope, and Lamour
In 1940, Bing Crosby was teamed up with Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour to make a film called Road to Singapore, which was a box-office success and the start of a hugely popular six-film series, known as The Road Pictures.
In 1942, Bing was paired up with another cinematic legend - Fred Astaire - in Holiday Inn. The film gave Bing one of the biggest-selling songs of all time: 'White Christmas'. At the time of writing, 'White Christmas' holds the world records for most non-consecutive weeks on the US singles chart and biggest-selling Christmas song. The success of the song led to a film called White Christmas, in which Bing starred with Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney, and Vera Ellen.
The Road to The Road PicturesBing Crosby was born May 3, 1903, at 4:00 PM, just before sunset, in Tacoma Junction WA.
Sun 12° Taurus 22' and Moon 8° Leo 17' - Crosby's Asc 6° Libra 10' with North Node in Asc, Mars above Asc in 12th; Jupiter in 6th
Radio was an important contributor to Bing's success. From 1931 to 1962 he made roughly 4,000 broadcasts, most of them with his own show - the same character part he played in White Christmas. His Midheaven 7° Moonchild [Cancer] 38' is sextile his Sun, an indication his universal approach to his art would bring in material wealth and methods of expanding his audience. He was instrumental in the change from live radio broadcasts to taped shows, hosting the world's first recorded network show in 1946.Bob Hope was born May 29, 1903, at 3:36 PM, the same approximate time of day as Bing, in Eltham (United Kingdom)
Hope's Sun 7° Gemini 05' with his Moon 14° Cancer 33' - Ascendant 21° Libra 10' [same as Crosby], with Part of Fortune; Jupiter in 6th over Crosby's Jupiter, Mars on cusp of the 11th to 12th houses, and North Node in Libra conjunct Crosby's Mars @ 27° Virgo in his 12th house.
MC: 27°57' Moonchild, the same "public image" type persona as Crosby.
Mick LaSalle wrote, “No one walked the way Hope did. His directors liked to pull back and show him walking, because everything in the Hope persona was in that walk: the urbanity, the smoothness, the self-satisfied vanity. It was the walk of a charmer and a bluffer – a formidable one, but a bluffer all the same.”Dorothy Lamour, beauty queen from New Orleans, does not have a recorded time of birth, so her actual star chart placements cannot be determined.
Lamour's Sun in 17° Sagittarius 51' [planet ruler Jupiter] provided love of travel to foreign lands, jovial sense of humor, and acting ability. Her Moon in Virgo added the Mercurial factor necessary to gracefully dance through the twists and turns of the stories, and connected with the themes tied into the sixth house Jupiters of Crosby and Hope. Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury, and governs matters that concern the sixth department of life. Many world famous models and actresses are born under the sign Virgo, or have a well aspected sixth house influence.Rosemary Clooney was born on May 23, 1928, at 2:30 AM, in Maysville KY.
Her Sun was beneath the horizon @ 1° Gemini 54' with her Moon 23° Moonchild 44', conjunct the Midheaven of both Crosby and Hope, and in a wide conjunction with Hope's Moon.
Rosie's Ascendant held the tremendous power of Mars, Uranus, and Jupiter, but was never overpowering because the cusp of her Asc, 29° Pisces 02', provided a natural love of music, illusion, and acting that perfected their expressions. Pisces is the sign ruled by Neptune that is most often associated with the 'knight in shining armor' and the Cinderella story. In the film, Rosie takes a new job singing in a room full of carousel horses where Crosby goes to find her reason for leaving the lodge just before the big stage show. She brushes him off. This type of misunderstanding is typical of Pisces and can interfere with luck in love. Rosie's 29°Sagittarius 28' Midheaven matched with the position of the Sun in Dorothy Lamour's star chart.Danny Kaye was born on January 18, 1913, at 12:00 PM with the Sun in the center of the sky, in Brooklyn Heights, NY.
His Sun 28° Capricorn 02' near the 'weeping degree' helped to shape many of his comedic roles. Kaye's Moon 4° Gemini 29' interacted wonderfully well with Rosie's Sun 1° Gemini 54' and Hope's Sun 7° Gemini 05'.
Kaye's Ascendant 15° Taurus 48', on the same wavelength as Crosby's Sun 12° Taurus 22', set up an ideal 'buddy picture' heaven, made to order for White Christmas. Kaye's Sun in his Midheaven 26° Capricorn 29' in exact conjunction with Rosie's Moon, and opposite her Sun, created the interest in Rosie's relationships with her sister [Vera Ellen] and Crosby, so Kaye and Crosby could mimic the 'sister act', but at the same time, Kaye was attracted to Vera and remained more at a distance with regard to Rosie.
Kaye's North Node 5° Aries in his 12th house, with Saturn rx Taurus and Moon 4° Gemini 29' in his Asc, could be read as part of the running gag in White Christmas that kept Crosby in Kaye's debt. Kaye saved Crosby from a collapsing wall during WWII and 'owed' Kaye throughout the remaining storyline. Jupiter in Kaye's 8th house 3° Capricorn further reinforces the suggestion that Kaye rescued Crosby and Crosby was always reminded of his kindness. Mars 6° Cap in Kaye's 9th house, with Mercury at 12° Capricorn, adds to the natural adjustment at the lodge, where both men arrange a way to rescue their favorite, former General.
Our Ancient Roots - Maintained, Well-tended Lunar Doors That Open to The Phoenix
Metamorphosis is a transformation. Metanoia, to which it is related, is a metamorphosis of consciousness.In 1941 Winston Churchill said, “We have not journeyed all this way across the centuries, across the oceans, across the mountains, across the prairies, because we are made of sugar candy.”
Metamorphosis suggests the physical dimension holds factors, designs, and possibilities that are beyond our control. It doesn’t allow a long term security blanket we can count on no matter what. We must change, constantly upgrade and reform the status quo if we are to keep up with the demands of the ticking clock. In other words, metamorphosis won’t feed addictions to any thought forms about our established structures in daily life.The Moon is our timekeeper with 28 faces, one for each day of her monthly cycle -- corresponding to the physical status of human anatomy each day of the month on an annual basis, a constant 24/7 arrangement. We rediscovered this sympathetic relationship between our physical vessel and the Lunar orb during the 60s when astronauts underwent tests that involved sensory deprivation. The physical anatomy always kept pace with the Moon, whether or not the lower five senses could record anything and send messages to brain.
This ancient coded language is the one everyone used prior to the fall of the Tower of Babel. It was global and a common communication system, probably consisting of pictures and symbols in part. You could look up at the night sky and know what day it was. Ancient cultures calculated the time for important activities and set up three calendars according to the movement or the Moon. These were religious, social, and political observances, constructed by measuring lunar units of time in sync with our physical anatomy and how we achieved adaptation within a specific environment.
The Moon follows a birth-death-rebirth cycle that we sometimes forget we can count on - physically. Every time we take on a new challenge our psyche tunes into the possibility of renewal at a higher level on the upward spiral. If we get sick we can heal. If we lose property it can be replaced. If we move to a new community we can make new friends. We have found we can experience life at many levels of consciousness. Hopefully, we will remember that we, as individuals, have the right to morph into better versions of ourselves, and encourage the circumstances around us to permit our fellow pilgrims the same chance to grow, and evolve, as we enjoy.
“When I first came to Hollywood, I made a point of meeting people who weren’t rockers, like Groucho and Fred Astaire – people that were old pros. And the amazing thing was that they understood what I was doing. Jack Benny and George Burns knew exactly what I was doing. George Burns said, ‘You’re a great kid, Alice, but that ain’t new.’ The best compliment I ever got was Groucho saying that the Alice Cooper show was the last of the great vaudevillian spectaculars. To me, that was a great, great compliment.”
-Alice Cooper ~ (Source: BAM)
George Burns and Gracie Allen
Joy Behar Headlines 'Comics With Benefis' Fundraiser for Hurricane Sandy Victims (VIDEO)
W.C. Fields' Art and Humor - the official Web site for William Claude Dukenfield, better known as W. C. Fields
Little Rascals on DVD
Bonus features: production notes, talent bios, film highlights, theatrical trailer.
Harold Lloyd is available in HD! Coming June 18th, Safety Last! released by the Criterion Collection on both BluRay and DVD.
Martin Short The IMDb Profile
Comedy and Music Themes Rare, for collectors
Danny Thomas - his daughter, Marlo Thomas, an award-winning actress, author and activist whose body of work continues to have an impact on American entertainment and culture. IMDb Marlo 'That Girl' Thomas, Huffington Post page, and St. Jude Candle and St. Jude Hospital
The Divining Nation is a member of the West Coast Magazine Information Exchange Group!
Published By: Rev. DonnaKova Dauser, Metaphysician
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